
The league format will be lockout 2v2's. The first half of the league will be a round robin bracket, where each team gets to play against the other ones once, resulting in 5 matches in total for each team. The top 3 Teams after that will be put into a semi finals/finals tournament bracket, with the top 1 team moving straight to the finals.

Teams will compete by collecting squares. Each square is 1 point. Finishing a bingo line gives the team a completion bonus of 2 points. The first team to 13 wins the game. So if one team gets a whole bingo line it would be worth a total of 7 points. 5 for each individual square and 2 for the full line.

The weapon randomizer from season 2 will also be used during this event.

Crucial graces have been unlocked once you receive Torrent from Melina.


Cheese Ban list:

  • DTS cheese
  • Nights cav cheese
  • Bell bearing hunter Caelid cheese
  • Radahn Water/cliff cheese
  • Greyll cheese
  • Crucible Misbegotten cheese
  • Oneill branch cheese
  • Lansseax idle AI cheese
  • Greyoll quit out cheese

Anything beyond these cheeses is allowed as long as its glitchless

Stake skips are allowed as long as they do not jump over a death plane

Talismans that have +1 and +2 variants are still considered unique

Ordina does not count as an evergaol clear

Stary mimic tear does not count towards the mimic tear consumbles only square, but does count towards catacomb clears

Players cannot share progress on square progression, they have to complete them to the fullest on their own ends

List of Graces:

  • Weeping Peninsula - Ailing Village Outskirts
  • Caelid - Inner Aeonia
  • Liurnia - Scenic Isle
  • Liurnia - Ruined Labyrinth
  • Altus Plateau - Altus Highway Junction
  • Mt. Gelmir - Road of Iniquity
  • Mountaintops of the Giants - Snow Valley Ruins
  • Siofra River - Siofra River Bank
  • Lake of Rot - Lake of Rot Shoreside
  • Consecrated Snowfield - Inner Consecrated Snowfield
  • Miquella's Haligtree - Haligtree Roots

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